
The protective role of family ties on elderly mortality: addressing the bias introduced by the selection of institutionalized population

Most of the literature linking the living conditions of the elderly with their health outcomes refers to the population living in private dwellings, while studies dealing with the topic from a broader perspective, including the population living in institutions, are sparse. This can be ascribed to the fact that nation-wide surveys on health do not generally include the population living in institutions, and to a strong selection of the institutionalised population, which calls for specific techniques to deal with the induced bias in estimators.

The protective role of family ties and the mortality of older people: addressing the bias introduced by the selection of the institutionalized population

Most of the literature linking the living conditions of older people with their health outcomes refers to older populations living in private dwellings, while studies dealing with the topic from a broader perspective, including the institutionalised, are sparse. This can be ascribed to the fact that nation-wide health surveys do not generally include institutionalised populations, and to a strong selection of any institutionalised populations, which calls for specific techniques to deal with the induced bias in estimators.

The Mutation of Albanian Society During the Economic Transition from Communism to Liberalism

Lo scopo di questo saggio è quello di fornire una panoramica della mutazione sociale albanese nel periodo della transizione. Il lavoro ha inizio con la spiegazione delle ragioni per cui si preferisce parlare di "mutazione" sociale invece che di "mutamento" sociale e segue analizzando le modalità prettamente economiche con cui è stata gestita la prima fase della transizione.

Istituzioni, nuove tecnologie, sviluppo economico

The essay deals with the relationship between institutions, new techologies and economic developement. The first part provides a broad overview of the contributions of economic theory, economic history and political science to the controversial questions on how to promote economic developement and in particular on the role played by innovation. Intitutions (i.e. democracy, rule of law, independent judiciary, professional bureaucracy, etc.) are considered by recent literature as a main factor.

Lo sviluppo sostenibile ad un bivio: post-verità o resilienza trasformativa?

Il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile continua ad arricchirsi grazie a nuove sintesi del dibattito in corso a livello internazionale e a nuovi spunti di riflessione provenienti da numerosi ambiti disciplinari, non da ultimo da due libri pubblicati di recente: uno a firma di Enrico Giovannini, dal titolo L’Utopia Sostenibile (Laterza, 2018), l’altro scritto da Francesco Rutelli, Contro gli immediati (La Nave di Teseo, 2017)

Normality as social semantics. Schmitt, Bourdieu and the politics of the normal

This article takes issue with the practical and the cognitive roles of normality within political life and its relevance to the constitution of the groups that comprise a political community. From a practical viewpoint, normality fosters standards of correctness; from a cognitive viewpoint, these standards are what allows individuals to perceive themselves, and to be recognized, as group members.

Macroeconomics, rationality, and institutions

This special issue, “Macroeconomics, rationality, and institutions,” explores the role of institutions in macro models in which agents have limited rationality or interact strategically. We aim to contribute to the refinements and developments of the macro-models along several directions: The analyses of financial frictions, learning processes and expectation formation mechanisms, the study of strategic interactions and of the heterogeneity among agents, and the resulting implications for the design of institutions and (optimal) policies.

Persistence and change in culture and institutions under autarchy, trade, and factor mobility

Differences among nations in culture ( preferences including social norms) and institutions (contracts) may result in specialisation and gains from trade even in the absence of exogenous differences in factor endowments or technologies. Goods differ in the kinds of contracts that are appropriate for their production, and so strategic complementarities between contracts and social norms may result in a multiplicity of cultural- institutional equilibria. The resulting country differences in culture and institutions provide the basis for comparative advantage.

The reaction of social partners to the application of the “Jobs Act”: a comparison between digital communication strategies

Labour policies represent one of the thorny issues within the agendas of governments around the world. The public debate on this issue is being sorely tested by the economic market revolution, on one hand, and by the need for both of new regulation and job creation. Despite the dialogue between international players, the actions of governments are not always able to collect all the requests submitted for integration and improvement, due both to political willingness and budgetary policies.

Social media in earthquake-related communication. Shake networks

Social media are playing an increasingly important role during and in the aftermath of natural disasters. Several case studies show how citizens and institutions are using them to spread or gather relevant information, share emotions or support recovery actions. In 2013, Potts defined the role of social media during natural disasters as a ‘largely untapped site of study’ (Potts, 2014, p. 98). Although scholars are now engaging in a growing volume of research in this field, the literature still appears fragmented and overwhelmingly based on single case studies.

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