
An historical and critical reconstruction of disciplines and interdisciplinarity in urban studies

Il contributo presenta una ricostruzione delle origini di quattro discipline
(urbanistica, sociologia urbana, cultural history e geografia urbana), in
particolare nei paesi di lingua tedesca, attraverso i contributi di Jacob Christoph
Burckhardt, Friedrich Engels, George Simmel, Camillo Sitte, Max Weber (solo
per citarne alcuni), e il modo in cui il loro lavoro ha dato forma alla cultura e ha
contribuito alla sistematizzazione della conoscenza.
Usando una forma dialogica, studiosi con una diversa formazione discutono

On interdisciplinarity and non-disciplinary research: a conversation

Our aim is to reflect on the relation among different
disciplines (their approaches, points of view, perspectives
and methodologies) and their mutual contribution in tackling
urban phenomena. At the same time, we are convinced that
interdisciplinarity cannot be reduced to the sum of different
knowledge or to the juxtapositions of different approaches.
Interdisciplinarity has meaning and implications that are
(1) theoretical (epistemological and methodological) and (2)
practical (related to how the academic system works). The two

The process of knowledge dissemination

Abstract – Considering the cognitive nature of knowledge and its dynamic dialogic features, this contribution explores three lines of inquiry: the analysis of models built to visually represent the process of knowledge dissemination, the relationship between knowledge dissemination and discourse, and lastly the interrelation between knowledge dissemination and ethical issues. The models analyzed have been built within disciplines other than linguistics, but evidence is provided that they can be also applied to language analysis and its communicative purposes.

Teaching Fashion in a Variable World

This text represents a short introduction to a collection of essays
aimed at students enrolled in Fashion Studies Master at Sapienza
University of Rome. The objective discussed in the text is both related complexity of the contemporary fashion system as well as to richness
and openness of an interdisciplinary approach to the field. It also presents some thoughts about the role of Fashion system in the Covid19 Pandemic

Il problema del metodo e il diritto amministrativo

This article deals with the main issues that are characterizing the methodology debate in the legal domain and, in particular, in administrative law field. After a reconstruction of the leading aims and characteristics that have distinguished the legal method and the sci- entific debate thereon (having regard to the relationship with the practice of law and legal education), the analysis moves on to examine the historical roots and developments that characterized, in the twentieth century, the methodology issue in the Italian administrative law scholarship.

Natural and human impact in Mediterranean landscapes. An intriguing puzzle or only a question of time?

Time is a key factor to understand the effects of disturbance on natural communities or ecosystems. In Mediterranean landscapes, where nature and humans have been strongly intermingling since mid-Holocene, the relationships between plant ecology and palaeoecology and their role for the interpretation of natural and anthropogenic changes still needs to be clearly understood. Ecology and palaeoecology are both investigating such problems, but each of them cannot disentangle the specific role played by nature and by humans in shaping the present plant communities and landscapes.

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