international law

The Intentional Destruction of the Cultural Heritage of Humankind (IDCHH). What Are the Remedies under International Law?

The Intentional Destruction of the Cultural Heritage of Humankind (IDCHH). What Are the Remedies under International Law?

The widespread dissemination of videos of terrorists destroying monuments of world cultural heritage in the last twenty years, such as the Buddhas of Bamiyan and the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, has shocked all of humanity.

Discourses on Methods

Il volume tratta dei mediti di analisi di diritto internazionale. In particolare prende in esame la formazione e la determinazione della consuetudine; i principi generali del diritto, il legale reasoning delle corti internazionali.

The Value of the EU International Values

This chapter focuses on the nature and effect of the values and principles enshrined in Articles 3(5) and 21 TEU, which set out the objectives and limits of the EU’s external action. It begins with some introductory remarks highlighting the constitutional significance of international values aimed at giving guidance to the conduct of the EU foreign relations power. The second part explores the tendency of the CJEU to use these values and principles as a means of enlarging the functional scope of the EU competences.

New Technologies and the “Weaponization” in Outer Space

The weaponization of outer space and the prevention of conflicts in this environment are
subjects deeply discussed in the international community. On the one hand, the weaknesses
of the legal framework established by the five UN treaties can be covered enough by the
application of international law, including the UN Charter, to space activities as established
by art. III of the Outer Space Treaty. On the other hand, it has been highlighted that the
issues surrounding the weaponization of outer space present several features, such as the fact

Legal Issues concerning Remote Sensing Data and Natural Disasters: a New Area of Activity for the United Nations Security Council?

The paper explores the legal nature of the obligations to provide assistance in the case of natural disasters and, in particular, the duty to share remote sensing images as a mean to improve disaster response. This analysis takes into account that the international legal frameworks concerning natural disaster management and remote sensing activities are based, mainly, on general principles, sometimes specified in international treaties or non-binding instruments.

International geopolitics and space regulation

Outer space has always assumed a relevant geopolitical value due to strategic and economic reasons. Since the beginning of the so-called space age, national space policies have pursued both political and economic objectives, taking into account fundamental security and military considerations. After the Second World War, the international relations were based on the dichotomy between the United States and the Soviet Union. The foundation of activities in outer space finds its roots in the Cold War and reproduces the distinctive geopolitical dynamics of that historical moment.

Community Interests and the Use of Force

The chapter discusses the philosophical foundations of the current regulation of the use of force. The
chapter argues that, in correspondence with the emergence of a sphere of substantive rules protecting common
interests of humankind, international law is also gradually developing a system of protection against egregious
breaches of these interests. This conclusion is reached through an analysis of the law and practice governing the
action of the UN Security Council as well as the law of state responsibility concerning individual and collective

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