
Excavations at Istakhr in 2012. Ceramivs and stratigraphy

This brief paper presents the preliminary results of the study on the ceramics collected during the excavation campaign carried out in 2012 within the framework of the joint Iranian-Italian Archaeological Mission at Istakhr. The pottery finds relate to a time span ranging from the 9th to possibly the 13th century, corresponding to the occupation phases identified within the stratigraphy

Appendix 2 - Preliminary chemical and mineralogical analyses of diagnostic samples of opaque glazed pottery from Istakhr

Six opaque glazed samples from Istakhr have been analysed:93 four come from the 2012 campaign of the Iranian-Italian Archaeological Mission (samples 13, 14, 17, 30) and two from the campaigns conducted by E. Herzfeld in the 1930s (samples 15, 29; table 2). These archaeometrical analyses mainly focused on the ceramic bodies and glazes.

A note on the painted wheel-made ware from Istakhr

The aim of this paper is to provide a preliminary description of a specific group of wheel-made monochrome painted ware belonging to the pottery corpus from the excavations in Istakhr carried out in 2012 by the Joint Iranian-Italian Archaeological Mission. This pottery production is mostly characterised by closed forms with geometric-vegetal motifs painted in red or black; at times the painted decoration is associated with incised or carved motifs.

Islamic clay figurines from excavations at Istakhr and a suggested use of the animal-shaped specimens

This paper deals with the Islamic hand-modelled clay figurines from the excavations carried out at Istakhr (Fars region, Iran) by the Oriental Institute of Chicago in the 1930s and the Joint Italian-Iranian Archaeological Mission in 2012. S. Mancini presents detailed descriptions of these artefacts, including some technological notes relating to fabrics, as well as a few comparisons help to propose their chronological attribution. M.V.

Appendix - Stratigraphic analysis of the excavation contexts

This paper deals with the excavation of the trench carried out at Istakhr in 2012, to the west of the site of the mosque. The results of the excavation, compared with Herzfeld’s archaeological tests dating to 1932, provided new insights into the arrangement of the buildings in the area and, more generally, the planning of this sector of the city during the early Islamic period.

Excavations at Istakhr in 2012. The Test West of the Site of the Mosque

This paper deals with the excavation of the trench carried out at Istakhr in 2012, to the west of the site of the mosque. The results of the excavation, compared with Herzfeld’s archaeological tests dating to 1932, provided new insights into the arrangement of the buildings in the area and, more generally, the planning of this sector of the city during the early Islamic period.

17th-early 20th-century European travellers to Istakhr. The contribution of their accounts

The aim of this paper is to compile the most significant data obtained from reading the accounts of 17th-early 20th-century European travellers to Istakhr in order to understand how much reliable information they provide that can be used in the historical-topographic reconstruction work that has been carried out in recent years.


Il saggio ripercorre la storia degli studi relativi alle ricerche condotte nella città di Istakhr (Fars, Iran) a partire dalle prime spedizioni degli anni '30 del secolo scorso sino ai recenti scavi e studi ad opera della Missione Archeologica congiunta Italo-Iraniana che ha operato negli anni 2011-2016. Vengono inoltre illustrati i contributi al volume e la ratio con la quale questo stesso si articola.

Qal'a-Istakhr and the Si Gunbadan

The aim of this paper is to examine the unclear connection between a well-known fortress (qal'a Istakhr), located in the Fars region on a mount not distant from the city of Istakhr, and the sa gunbadan (three domes), the name frequently given to the three mounts also standing on the plain of Marvdasht. The mix-up over the two subjects - fortress and mount(s) - may have arisen from the shape evoked by the term gunbad.

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