
Understanding Fashion Consumption in the Networked Society: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Fashion consumption is changing rapidly due to the digital transformation of our society that affects both the market and with-it brands’ behaviors, and most importantly consumers’ practices: users/audience/ consumers are involved at different levels, as knowledge and content producers and as seekers thereof. Customers move seamlessly among different devices, contents and media channels. While searching for information, purchasing products and sharing band related experiences and in so doing creating content, they also entertain themselves.

Outside the box. The migrants’ journey as an attempt of slow journalism in Italian mainstream

The paper aims to examine the media representation of the migration phenomena by focusing on the “journey” dimension. This is to stand out from the tendency, common to the media representation of migration but sometimes also to the studies that deal with it, to privilege the emergency dimension as the main interpretative key of the phenomenon. Two are the case studies that will be examined for this purpose.

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