labour market

Introduction: Age, gender and social trajectories: the uneven emancipation of women in mediterranean societies

At the start of the third millennium, the path towards gender equality more uncertain than ever. Changes in behaviours in the areas of private and public life reveal the permanence of a structural principle of masculine domination. While the behaviours and trajectories of men and women have relatively converged in recent years, they have not fundamentally challenged the social division of gender roles. To understand this evolution in gender relations, one has to examine the content and effects of the changes that have occurred, and assess their scope.

How important is culture? Analysis of the most recent data on Italian educational offer and its impact on employment and employability

In a globalised world, where competitiveness represents the keystone of modern capitalist society and, thus, of economic health and prosperity, knowledge and expertise express the very differentiating element between successful and unsuccessful economic performance. In a systemic perspective, the ever-changing character of our society imposes a continuous reorientation of the processes of knowledge transmission to tackle the increasing challenges, posed by interrelated labour markets.

Early‑career complexity before and after labour‑market deregulation in Italy. Heterogeneity by gender and socio‑economic status across cohorts

Labour-market deregulation may have generated more unstable and complex employment life courses. As exposure to highly volatile early-career trajectories has long-lasting consequences for the working lives of individuals, it is especially important to consider how these processes have affected younger workers in countries like Italy. Here, deregulation ‘at the margins’ of the labour market has been

Exploring human capital: discrimination factors and group-specific performance in the football industry

The aim of the study is to investigate whether discrimination factors exist within professional football clubs, concerning the management of their human capital, by analysing the correlation between the footballers’ wages and their performance. An analysis was conducted to show that discrimination, based both on nationality and race, can affect the strategies adopted by football club managers and in the professional footballer labour market, where players are considered to be the human capital of football enterprises.

Young Italians. Employed, Unemployed and NEET

The data provided by the National Institute for Statistics showed that, over the last ten years, the youth employment rate (15-34 years) has decreased by 10.2 percentage points. However, if we look at the segments, the young unemployment rate has considerably increased both for the young adults 15-24 years of age (from 20.4% in 2007 to 34.7% in 2017) and for the young adults 25-34 years (from 8.3% to 17%).

On the Reasons for an Informal Economy in Italy: The Motivations of Entrepreneurs and Workers

The chapter will move along the following research path: a) First of all, our intention is to help the contribute understanding the social and quantitative relevance of informal employment per geographic areas and per regions; b) We will then focus on the reasons that push workers to accept or even seek forms of employment that from the outside seem to return to the past in terms of labour exploitation and disrespect for employees’ rights and personal dignity.

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