language development

Implantologia protesica e processamento uditivo

Implantologia protesica e processamento uditivo

Current projects are: "Communication and language outcomes in children with cochlear implants.", "Pitch and speech perception with cochlear implants", "effects of hearing loss on cognition and quality of life in elders"

Deux groupes de collegiens (Abidjan et Toulouse) face à deux questions sur la transitivité et l’intransitivité en français: recherches sur les connaissances implicites et explicites des adolescents

By employing the epilinguistic and metalinguistic analysis of a corpus of responses by 170 pre-teenagers from two colleges in Abidjan and Toulouse, we will discuss, first, the concepts of acceptability, grammaticalness and utterability in order to try to determine, as far as possible, on what kind of knowledge and on what type of reasoning they rely on.

Production of third-person direct object clitics in children with cochlear implants speaking italian

Previous research has shown that the production of third-person singular accusative object clitics (3DO clitics) might be taxing in Italian-speaking pre-school children with cochlear implants (CIs). We investigated this topic by assessing 3DO clitic production in 14 children with an average age of 8 years, who had received a CI between age 1 and 4. The first goal of the study was to analyze whether school-aged children with CIs exhibit atypical behavior in 3DO clitic production.

Exploring pragmatic and linguistic development trends in early preschool children

Purpose: It is proposed that pragmatic skills play an important role during the language development, in particular in social interactions with conversational partners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between pragmatic and linguistic skills in a longitudinal perspective, assuming that social-conversational abilities at early stages are associated with the child’s linguistic development.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma