late antiquity

Late antique Adiabene under Sasanian rule

Throughout the course of the Sasanian period, the region of Adiabene constantly played a strategic role thanks to its geographic location; at the same time, the literary evidence concerning Adiabene potentially offers a unique insight into the area, on its heterogeneous society and on the way the central administration coped with its particular circumstances. In the last decade a renewed interest in the frontier areas of Late-Antique Upper Mesopotamia has fostered the appearance of studies specifically devoted to this remarkable region

Per la storia edilizia di Roma nel IV secolo. Qualche contributo epigrafico

Some very fragmentary inscriptions from the Colosseum can give us, if carefully read, supplied and interpreted, interesting information not only about the building history of the Colosseum itself in the IVth century, but also about important buildings of Rome in Late Antiquity: the domus of the senatorial family of the Artorii, the mansiones Saliorum Palatinorum and a Mithraeum in the area of S. Silvestro in Capite.

Versus De Limine and In Limine. Displaying Greek paideia at the Entrance of Early Christian Churches

The paper deals with verse inscriptions from Eastern Late Antiquity, displayed at the entrances of churches, exploring through a selected sample of texts, their functions and purposes, focusing on literary features as part of the more general strategy of Christianizing the civic space of Late Antique cities.

Non-finito o estetica dell’incompiuto? Casi dalla letteratura greca della tarda antichità

This paper deals with the theme of the “unfinished” through the examination of some exemplary cases from
Greek literature in Late Antiquity. Alongside authorial practices impatient with the labor limae – such as
that of Damascius or Plotinus – or texts that now appear unfinished because of troubles in the manuscript
transmission, there are cases of incomplete texts that have been brought to perfection by other authors,
such as the Homeric Centos by Patricius completed by Eudocia, or the intercultural translation into epic

Metrical inscriptions in late antiquity: what difference did christianity make?

In the so-called ‘resurgence’ of poetry in Late Antiquity verse inscriptions played a significant role. They eloquently show how widespread was the taste for poetic compositions among the different levels of Late Roman society, pointing also out the social importance of classical paideia. Despite the condemnation of some rigorists, who considered the passion for poetry useless and even dangerous, Christian verse inscriptions entered very early the ‘epigraphic display’ of Late Antique cities.

La poésie biblique grecque en Égypte au IVe siècle. Enjeux littéraires et théologiques

The paper deals with the early phase of Biblical poetry in the Greek East. The new Christian poems preserved in a papyrus codex from the s0-called Bodmer Library (a group of papyri coming from the area of the city of Panopolis, Upper Egypt), has dramatically shown that in Egypt verse paraphrases of Biblical books were composed already in the middle of the fourth century. Their author had already attempted to give their answer to the challenge represented by a Christian poetry in classical language and metres.

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