late chalcolithic

Lime production in the Late Chalcolithic period. The case of Arslantepe (Eastern Anatolia)

Plaster and mortar samples from Arslantepe (Turkey) hold potential to provide unique information about the lime production and adhibition during the Late Chalcolithic period (4th millennium BCE). A multi-analytical approach including polarized light microscopy (PLM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) has been applied to characterize mortar samples from temple C and elite residences dated back to the late Chalcolithic 3–4 (3800–3400 BCE).

Going to the source: new perspectives in the study of the Canaanean blade technology from Iraqi Kurdistan

This paper presents a preliminary overview of the outstanding evidence of chert mining and specialised lithic workshops found on the southern slopes of the Jebel Zawa, in the Dohuk Governorate, northern Iraqi Kurdistan. Technical features observed on lithic materials - such as cores and waste products – led to the identification of this mining complex as the source of raw materials used to produce the large standardised blades known in the literature as ‘Canaanean’.

Guess who's coming to dinner? Cooking practices at Arslantepe (Eastern Turkey) from 4200 to 2000 B.C.

Cooking practices are analyzed throughout the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age occupation at the site of Arslantepe (Malatya), in Eastern Anatolia, by investigating 347 whole cooking pots and a series of in situ but fragmented ones. These vessels are mostly found within domestic or public buildings and are thus considered to be primary indicators of the cooking practices of their inhabitants.

Arslantepe, Period VII. The development of a ceremonial/political centre in the first half of the fourth millennium BCE (Late Chalcolithic 3­‐4)

Volume monografico sullo scavo dei livelli del Tardo Calcolitico 3-4 (3800-3400 a.C.) presso il sito di Arslantepe. Scavo, stratigrafia, architettura, rituali funerari, materiale amministrativo, economia primaria, classificazione e tipologia ceramica, analisi archeometriche della ceramica e dei materiali costruttivi, materiali in situ e interpretazione dell'uso degli spazi.
Nel volume vi sono contributi di: Corrado Alvaro, Laszlo Bartosiewicz, Susanna Cereda, Yilmaz Selim Erdal, Pamela Fragnoli, Marcella Frangipane, Giovanna Liberotti, Laura Sadori, Cristiano Vignola.

The external relations of Arslantepe in the first half of the 4th Millennium BCE

Aim of this paper is to investigate external relations of the site of Arslantepe during the first half of the 4th millennium BCE. This corresponds to what we call period VII at Arslantepe, or Late Chalcolithic 3 and 4 in the chronological sequence of Greater Mesopotamia (Rothman ed. 2001). The Arslantepe stratigraphy is dated by more than 130 radiocarbon analyses and period VII falls between 3900 and 3400 BCE (Di Nocera 2000; Vignola et al. 2017, 2018).

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