
L’impiego del laterizio a Roma tra tecnologia, morfologia e contesti d’uso. Stratigrafie e strutture tra Palatino e Velia dall’età repubblicana alla prima età imperiale

This paper aims at a quick re-examination of brick use contexts within the northeastern slopes of the Palatine Hill excavation, in Rome. The investigations carried out by La Sapienza since 1986 have allowed to reconstruct the topographic layouts of the area before the great fire of 64 CE, with a dense road network that separates – between the Orientalizing and Julio-claudian periods – neighborhoods with houses and sanctuaries. The presence of fragmentary red and augitic impasto tiles will characterize the assemblages connected to the 7th – 5th c. BCE dumps.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma