lazio antico

Eroi greci fondatori di città latine

The philological, epigraphic, archaeological and iconographic dossier relating to the foundation myths of the cities of Latium vetus didn’t have the right consideration, compared to the role given to this fundamental theme in others geographical and cultural contexts, in Italy and in the Mediterranean. In fact, the legendary heritage of the Latin world was ‘crushed’ by the dominant Roman and Greek historiography that, until now, has prevented its independent and comprehensive evaluation.

L’architecture de la fin de la République à Rome et dans le Latium. Expérimentations et modèles

From the end of the third century BC, Rome became Hellenized at an accelerated pace. The conjunction of the Etruscan-Italian and Greek-Eastern traditions produced an extraordinary phase of experimentation that saw the development of the synthetic language characteristic of Greco-Roman architecture. But while the new urban image of Rome was to become the ideal model for Roman cities until Augustus’ “re-foundation”, the material and symbolic gigantism of constructions in the Urbs could not be directly emulated in Italian cities, not even in those with well-developed urban traditions.

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