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Recensione della monografia d'esordio, tratta dalla tesi di dottorato, dello studioso di Aidelberga Sebastian Stepan, nella collana Ius Romanum (n. 6), edita dalla Mohr Siebeck di Tubinga
Recensione della monografia d'esordio, tratta dalla tesi di dottorato, dello studioso di Aidelberga Sebastian Stepan, nella collana Ius Romanum (n. 6), edita dalla Mohr Siebeck di Tubinga
This discerning book explores the concept of human and fundamental rights, originating from the seminal work by the German legal scholar and constitutional lawyer Robert Alexy. Recognising the growing challenges to the idea of the universality of Human Rights, expert scholars consider time-independent conceptual questions which inevitably lie at the heart of any contemporary human rights discourse: What is the justification of balancing and/or trading off fundamental rights against other rights and collective goods?
This discerning book explores the concept of human and fundamental rights, originating from the seminal work by the German legal scholar and constitutional lawyer Robert Alexy. Recognising the growing challenges to the idea of the universality of Human Rights, expert scholars consider time-independent conceptual questions which inevitably lie at the heart of any contemporary human rights discourse: What is the justification of balancing and/or trading off fundamental rights against other rights and collective goods?
The Author focuses on the concept of constitutional pluralism and its different meanings.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma