
L'arbitrarietà della legge. Girard dopo Pascal

This paper analyses, with a “genealogical” perspective that from Pascal reaches up to Girard, the hidden bond that links violence and law. Behind the law lies the “usurpation” as well as behind the social institutions lies the “sacrificial violence”. It is the task of this work to reconstruct this ambivalent connection that always structures, in its paradoxical removal, the ground of the social ties.

Legge, potere e Stato nel processo di costruzione teorica di Paul Laband

Laband can be considered the father of a modern method of
studying law and also of a modern method of treating and reconstructing
public law which, basically, makes being jurists objective in
deepening the problematization of one’s own function and position
Understanding Laband’s position helps to grasp the political
function of a certain way of understanding the meaning of legal science
and not for the purpose of “antiquarian collection”, but with
the intention of highlighting how the affirmation of a rigorous

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