
Article 30 - Participation in Cultural Life, Recreation, Leisure and Sport

Article 30 provides for the right of persons with disabilities to the cultural life and their participation in recreational, leisure, tourism and sports activities in a position of equality with others. We are dealing with another key norm of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This paper examines the content of the provision and in particular the different typologies of obligations on States Parties.

Youth risk-taking and leisure. A multifactorial model in the italian context

Literature on youth and risk has traditionally been dominated by psycho-dynamic
explanations of social action, studied within a set of adult discourses and searching
for single causes for risk-taking in practices like the abuse of alcohol and drugs,
unprotected sex and dangerous driving.
To overcome these limitations, we listened to young Italian people through a
survey conducted on a sample of 1,175 secondary school students and aimed at
collecting their viewpoints on and experiences of the relationship between risk and

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