Leo Strauss

La «moralità» del politico. Leo Strauss interprete di Carl Schmitt

This essay analyses the «Notes on the Concept of the Political » that Leo Strauss wrote in 1932 as a commentary on the "Begriff des Politischen" by Carl Schmitt. The first part briefly expounds Strauss's main thesis concerning Schmitt's work - Carl Schmitt proposes «a liberalism with the opposite polarity » - while the second part discusses this thesis, in an attempt to show that the distance between Schmitt and Strauss is far more radical than it might seem.

Leo Strauss, l’Orientalismo e la storia della filosofia araba ed ebraica medievale

When considered out of the context of the genesis of his philosophical project of a rebirth of classical political philosophy, Leo Strauss's interpretation of Islamic and Arabic philosophy raises doubts as to its philological accuracy. Strauss's works on al-F?r?b? and the Islamic sources of Maimonides, which he examined repeatedly over the course of his career, should in fact be considered in the light of his greater philosophical project and of his conviction that any enquiry in the realm of the history of philosophy is at the same time also a philosophical enquiry.

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