light emitting diodes

Metameric MIMO-OOK transmission scheme using multiple RGB LEDs

In this work, we propose a novel visible light communication (VLC) scheme utilizing multiple di erent red green and blue triplets each with a di erent emission spectrum of red, green and blue for mitigating the e ect of interference due to di erent colors using spatial multiplexing. On-o keying modulation is considered and its e ect on light emission in terms of flickering, dimming and color rendering is discussed so as to demonstrate how metameric properties have been considered.

Optimal LED placement in indoor VLC networks

In the upcoming 5G systems, the use of optical attocells will be largely exploited, with the aim of extending connectivity to multiple users while reducing coverage holes in indoor environments. The deployment of light emitting diodes (LEDs) should be well considered in order to use the optimal number of attocells to guarantee both illumination and connectivity, as a large and unnecessary number of attocells in a room is not useful and can cause interference among neighboring lighting cells.

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