linear prediction

Resolution enhancement and interference suppression for planetary radar sounders

Orbital radar sounders are an effective tool to investigate the interior of planetary bodies. Typically, the sounding signal lies in the High Frequency (HF) or Very High Frequency (VHF) band, allowing a good ground penetration but a limited range resolution. Moreover, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) may affect the system, increasing the noise in the radar products.In this paper, we propose methods to enhance the resolution and to suppress the EMI, exploiting a linear prediction based approach. Using simulated data, we investigate the methods’performance and the parameter settings.

A detail based method for linear full reference image quality prediction

In this paper, a novel Full Reference method is proposed for image quality assessment, using the combination of two separate metrics to measure the perceptually distinct impact of detail losses and of spurious details. To this purpose, the gradient of the impaired image is locally decomposed as a predicted version of the original gradient, plus a gradient residual. It is assumed that the detail attenuation identifies the detail loss, whereas the gradient residuals describe the spurious details.

Information Transfer in Linear Multivariate Processes Assessed through Penalized Regression Techniques: Validation and Application to Physiological Networks

The framework of information dynamics allows the dissection of the information processed in a network of multiple interacting dynamical systems into meaningful elements of computation that quantify the information generated in a target system, stored in it, transferred to it from one or more source systems, and modified in a synergistic or redundant way.

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