
Latin language and digital epigraphy: different approaches and multiple solutions

Ancient inscriptions are an unvaluable source for our knowledge of “non classical” forms of Latin terms: archaic texts, graffiti, funerary inscriptions, inscribed instrumentum provide us a large number of examples of archaic terms, vulgar forms and grammatical errors. In the ongoing process of digitalization of these texts, different projects have found different solutions to face the problem of encoding these forms, in order to allow different kinds of linguistic search.


Introduzione e curatela di un numero monografico dedicato: "Field theories. Psychology, linguistics, biology"(ed. by Marina De Palo).

Chinese missionary linguistics: a new field of research

In the last four decades, much has been written about the missionary activities and the works compiled in Chinese by the many Western Christian missionaries that dwelled in China for the purpose of spreading their religious beliefs, i.e. Catholicism, Protestantism or the Orthodox faith, from the very end of the sixteenth century to late nineteenth century and even during the twentieth century.


The book is a collection of essays originally presented in a 2011 workshop on Chinese missionary linguistics that was organized in Rome. Missionary linguistics examines the language tools (grammars, exercise books, vocabularies) as developed by missionaries from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century in China. The volume is divided into three sections: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. The papers are mainly based on archival materials, Russian archival sources are of special interest as they are little known among western scholars.

Chinese Missionary Linguistics

The book is a collection of essays originally presented in a 2011 workshop on Chinese missionary linguistics that was organized in Rome. Missionary linguistics examines the language tools (grammars, exercise books, vocabularies) as developed by missionaries from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century in China. The volume is divided into three sections: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. The papers are mainly based on archival materials, Russian archival sources are of special interest as they are little known among western scholars.

Il volgare in latino. Lingua parlata, psicolinguistica e sociolinguistica in Boncompagno da Signa

Diviso in tre sezioni (1. Boncompagno e il volgare; 2. I meccanismi espressivi; 3. Dalla strada al foro), l’articolo mette in rilievo la spiccata sensibilità di Boncompagno da Signa verso la lingua parlata quale si ricava dai suoi numerosi scritti e specialmente dal capitolo dedicato alla transumptio nella Rhetorica novissima, letta pubblicamente a Bologna nel 1235 ma frutto di un lavoro iniziato a Venezia circa quindici o venti anni prima.


Prefazione agli Atti del Convegno di Linguistica Afroasiatica in cui si fa un bilancio dell'evento e una storia degli studi sulla linguistica afro-asiatica, specialmente semitistica, presso l'Università di Roma Sapienza, sede del convegno.

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