
“The rare unity of poetry with science”. Codici letterari e pittorici nel Diary of The Voyage of the Beagle di Charles Darwin

Il saggio indaga la presenza di codici letterari e pittorici nel Diary di Charles Darwin relative al suo viaggio in Sudamerica a bordo della Beagle; si colloca quindi nel contesto degli studi sul rapporto tra letteratura, arte e scienza che anima il dibattito critico degli ultimi decenni, e in particolare non tanto sui riflessi che le teorie darwiniane hanno avuto in campo letterario , quanto sulle influenze che arte e letteratura hanno avuto su Darwin.

Knowledge management, intellectual capital and entrepreneurship: a structured literature review

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze within the knowledge management (KM) stream the relationship between KM and intellectual capital (IC) and entrepreneurship (E). IC is a pivotal intangible resource to firms to generate knowledge. Knowledge and information are strategic for today’s company life. IC is generated and dynamically recombined by knowledge, produces knowledge and is feed by knowledge itself, both codified and tacit.

Crowdfunding and SME’s: a gender analysis

The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of crowdfunding and specifically focus is the SME's dimension,
typical in female entrepreneurship. The main questions research are: what are the main thematic areas in the scientific
literature on the phenomenon of crowdfunding? (RQ1); how is crowdfunding treated in the SME's dimension? (RQ2); is there
a specific treatment of crowdfunding in female entrepreneurship? (RQ3). To analyze the literature, we uses the SLR. For the

On the early history of the seven demons (Sebettu)

In this article I deal with the description of two groups of “seven warriors” in two Sumerian literary compositions: the Hymn to Hendursa?a and Gilgameš and Huwawa. Thus, I discuss the relevant passages of the compositions, analysing the parallels and supporting the hypothesis that these seven warriors may be Sumerian literary forerunners to the hep- tad, later known as the Sebettu. In the conclusion, I discuss the number seven and the Heptad, adding a further parallel (Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave), as well as further comments on demonic descriptions and iconography.

Motifs and Metaphors of Clothing in English Literary History

This chapter aims to analyse the relationship between fashion and literary studies in the context of English cultural history. By tracing the conflation of the notion of ideology into models of hegemony and discoursive practices, it will highlight the conceptual basis for a proper understanding of the cultural approach in the study of literary objects and fashion phenomena.

The mints of Ta'izz and Tha'bat in Rasulid times: literary sources and numismatic evidence

This contribution is focused on the yemenite mints of Ta‘izz and Thab‘a ̄t during the Rasulid dinasty (626-858 AH/AD 1229-1454). Historical chronicles and literary sources are used to document the mint activity of these two closely con- nected cities, and a catalogue of more than one hundred coins struck in these ci- ties is included.

Society and literature in today's Korea

Il terzo volume della Collana di Studi coreani dal titolo Society and literature in today’s Korea presenta quattro articoli di altrettanti studiosi coreani, ognuno su un aspetto sociale della Corea del Sud, di cui alcuni sono articoli tratti da tesi di dottorato. I contributi sono di grande interesse per il metodo di ricerca applicato confrontando recenti teorie scientifiche. Ogni lavoro suggerisce nuove letture dei fenomeni sociali e culturali da una prospettiva nuova e creativa.

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