literature review

New trends in product service system and servitization research: A conceptual structure emerging from three decades of literature

The aim of this paper is to clarify the state-of-the-art of literature about Servitization and Product Service System, by conducting a comprehensive and all-around selection and analysis of contributions from different streams of research. These topics attracted a growing amount of research effort for a long period of time, therefore it is important to clarify the contributions of thirty years of research by shedding light on the core of literature about Servitization and Product Service System.

CSR and ICT: new insights from the shear zones perspective

In line with the recent tendencies of limited natural resources, demographic development, dematerialization and digitalization, this chapter underlines the necessity of deepening the role Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) challenges. In fact, due to the diffuse integration of ICT into most of people’s and firms’ daily activities, companies cannot neglect the role of ICT in shaping CSR strategies.

What, where, and how measuring industrial symbiosis: A reasoned taxonomy of relevant indicators

During the last two decades, the literature devoted great attention to industrial symbiosis (IS) as an effective strategy to achieve environmental, economic, and social benefits. Accordingly, a wide range of numerical indicators – highly different among them for scope, definition, purpose, and applications – have been developed, to characterize and measure IS. The paper proposes a taxonomy of these indicators with the aim of facilitating their adoption and proper usage in practice.

BIM 7D. La dimensione della sostenibilità nei sistemi BIM in ottica di Healthy Buildings

Gli studi condotti in questi ultimi decenni hanno documentato un progressivo aumento in assoluto delle sostanze
inquinanti nell’aria indoor. Tra le esigenze di benessere, si è ormai consolidata l’importanza di igiene
e salute degli utenti, dato che la popolazione trascorre in media oltre il 90% del proprio tempo all’interno degli
spazi costruiti, essendo quindi particolarmente esposti a presenza di inquinamento indoor e scarsa qualità
dell’aria a fianco di criticità termoigrometriche, che nell’insieme possono avere importanti impatti sulla salute.

Business model and sustainability: the state of the art

Our paper consist of a literature review about business model research in academia, which represents a premise to identify the main topics, as well as the evolution of the studies.
As for the methodology, we used EBSCO database, searching for academic papers having ―business model‖ in the title and in the abstract published from 1975 until now.
This paper contributes to the literature in two ways. First, it provides a wide analysis of the extant literature on business models. Besides the classification by main topics, we aim to outline the trend of these studies over time.

Management consulting: A review of fifty years of scholarly research

Purpose – Academic research on management consulting or having management consultancy as the main
research field is huge as the sector is a strategic one for management innovation, but a systematic and
updated literature review is missing. This paper aims to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive
systematic review of scholarly peer reviewed journals looking at the ambivalent roles of consultants in
driving management innovation as well as management fashions.
Design/methodology/approach – A systematic literature review has been performed.

Agent-Based Simulation of urban goods distribution. A literature review

Agent-based simulation (ABS) appears to be a suitable tool for research and application in the field of city logistics. In this paper, an attempt was made to classify the current literature on ABS in urban freight distribution following some homogeneity criteria. A set of six criteria was adopted and relevant papers were classified accordingly.

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