
First, rule out cancer: giant lipoma

Lipomas, benign tumors of the adipose tissue, consist of adipocytes surrounded by a fibrous capsule, and they can arise in any region of the body. Depending on the anatomical site and dimensions, lipomas can alter movement, become inflamed, and induce lymphedema, pain, and compression syndrome Lipomas larger than 10 cm in maximum diameter or heavier than 1000 g are defined as “giant. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) can be useful in identifying liposarcomas. Amplification of MDM-2 and CDK4 genes strongly indicates this type of neoplasm.

Double gastroepiploic vascularized lymph node tranfers to middle and distal limb for the treatment of lymphedema

Background: Vascularized lymph node (VLN) transfer for lymphedema treatment has shown promising results. Optimal donor and recipient sites remain a matter of debate. We describe the technique and outcomes of a laparoscopically harvested extended gastroepiploic VLN flap with two levels of inset.

Free gastroepiploic lymph nodes and omentum flap for treatment of lower limb ulcers in severe lymphedema. Killing two birds with one stone

In patients with lymphedema, the disruption of the lymphatic network increases skin turgor and fibrosis of subcutaneous tissue, delays wound healing, causing recurrent ulcerations and infections. In these cases, management of ulcers can be challenging.

Comprehensive multimodal surgical treatment of end?stage lower extremity lymphedema with toe management. The combined Charles,’ Homan’s, and vascularized lymph node transfer (CHAHOVA) procedures

Background: End?stage lower extremity lymphedema (LEL) poses a particularly
formidable challenge to surgeons as multiple pathological processes are at work.
Because single modality treatment is often unsuccessful, we devised a comprehensive
multimodal surgical treatment. The aim of this study is to share the technical
considerations and examine the clinical outcomes of this combined approach.
Methods: Between 2013 and 2017, patients with International Society of
Lymphology stage III, who underwent the combination treatment of Charles,’

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