
Independent coding of absolute duration and distance magnitudes in the prefrontal cortex

The estimation of space and time can interfere with each other, and neuroimaging studies have shown overlapping activation in the parietal and prefrontal cortical areas. We used duration and distance discrimination tasks to determine whether space and time share resources in prefrontal cortex (PF) neurons. Monkeys were required to report which of two stimuli, a red circle or blue square, presented sequentially, were longer and farther, respectively, in the duration and distance tasks.

La tridimensionalità, la completezza e la sostanzialità dei corpi: Aristotele, De caelo I.1

According to the standard interpretation, in DC I.1 Aristotle provides a series of arguments to prove that the body, insofar as it has three dimensions, has all dimensions, and that the body, insofar as it has all dimensions, is complete. Starting from the ancient to the most recent commentators, the arguments whereby Aristotle proves that the body has all dimensions are considered very weak. This paper sets out to show that DC I.1 does not contain any argument aimed at proving that the body has all dimensions.

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