
Endemism and diversity in European montane mammals: macro-ecological patterns

Mountains are important landforms with regard to both biodiversity and evolution of endemism. We analysed macro- ecological patterns of distribution and endemism of European montane (i.e. with at least 70% of their range inside mountain areas) mammals. The landscape of the study area was characterized by three environmental variables: land cover, land-use and elevation. For each species, we collected spatially explicit information on the extent of occurrence, level of endemicity, conservation status, habitat preferences, elevation range and all the available presence points.

Integrative taxonomy of the Amazonian red-sided opossum Monodelphis glirina (J.A. Wagner, 1842) (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae)

New records for Monodelphis glirina, a short-tailed opossum distributed throughout the Amazon region, from Humaitá, Amazonas state, and Confresa, Mato Grosso state, prompted new insights into the geographic distribution and genetic diversity of this species. One of the records extends the species range circa 350 km beyond the previous southeastern limit. Voucher specimens had their identification confirmed by morphological comparison with the holotype and corroborated by molecular data (mitochondrial gene Cytochrome b).

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