
The strategic priorities in the materiality matrix of the banking enterprise

Purpose: Nowadays, in this highly dynamic and complex context, companies have to act in a
socially responsible and sustainable way to survive, creating shared value. This work analyses,
through descriptive statistics, the elements that Italian banks identify as strategic to increasing their
relational and reputational capital and to being in consonance with stakeholder’s expectations.
Design/methodology/approach: This paper investigates the width (number of intermediaries that
included the materiality matrix in their non

What to make of the exception? A three-stage route to Schmitt’s institutionalism

This article traces a developmental trajectory in Schmitt’s conception of law that brings out
alternative conceptualizations of the exception. “Transcendence”, “immanence” and
“integration” signify three different models to represent the relation between what I call
“nomic force” (the particular phenomenon of bringing order) and “materiality” (the matter-offactness
of a particular entity or phenomenon). I contend that while Political Theology feeds off a
transcendent model, where a sovereign decider makes materiality speakable, The Concept of the

Speaking pictures, writing words. On the interplay of communication in Ancient Mesopotamia

Pictures and words are the primordial ways of communication used by human beings: indeed, one might even conjecture which communication medium arose first. The present paper aims to analyse the deep relationship between pictures and words in ancient Mesopotamia, showing how communication is in fact the result of cooperation between the two: in particular, how pictures prevailed over and preceded words (also today we are used or we prefer to express our thoughts and emotions through pictures).

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