Maternal mental health

Reply to Zhang et al.: Commentary interventions for sleep problems during pregnancy

The first point highlighted by Tang et al. is about our search strategy. Particularly, the authors demonstrate concerns on searching the literature only through PubMed. We totally agree with this concern, but we have to point out that this is not the case of our systematic review. We performed our systematic research in “Pubmed”, “PsycINFO” and “MEDLINE” databases. Cochrane Collaboration Guidelines for searching literature [1] were followed. Consistently, several search strategies were used in addition to the standard literature databases.

Interventions for sleep problems during pregnancy: A systematic review.

Sleep problems during pregnancy are prevalent and could be linked to negative outcomes during pregnancy or post-partum. However, these complaints are often underdiagnosed and undertreated. This review aimed to systematically assess the effectiveness of different interventions to ameliorate poor sleep quality and insomnia during pregnancy.

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