medical students

Medical student ultrasound education: a WFUMB position paper, part I

The introduction of ultrasound into medical student education is well underway in many locations around the world, but is still in its infancy or has yet to begin in others. Proper incorporation of ultrasound education into medical training requires planning and resources, both capital and human. In this article, we discuss the state of the art of ultrasound in medical education throughout the world, as well as various methodologies utilized to improve student education and to incorporate ultrasound into every facet of training.

Depressive symptoms, temperament/character, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits in medical students seeking counseling

Background: To investigate depressive symptoms, temperament, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits in medical students, comparing those who sought psychological counseling with those who did not seek it. Subjects and Methods: We assessed 49 students seeking counseling (mean age=24.4 years, SD=4.07) and 49 noncounseling controls (mean age=21.7 years, SD=2.6).

Computer-aided diagnostic system for thyroid nodule sonographic evaluation outperforms the specificity of less experienced examiners

Purpose Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) may improve interobserver agreement in the risk stratification of thyroid nodules. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (K-TIRADS) classification as estimated by an expert radiologist, a senior resident, a medical student, and a CAD system, as well as the interobserver agreement among them. Methods Between July 2016 and 2018, 107 nodules (size 5-40 mm, 27 malignant) were classified according to the K-TIRADS by an expert radiologist and CAD software.

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