
Waves path in an elastic membrane with selective nonlocality

Nonlocal long -range effects are at the base of new phenomena investigated by the authors. In one dimensional systems, this permits the chance of modifying the phase and group velocity of the waveguide, even producing waves transporting energy backwards. In the two-dimensional case a richer scenario is opened. This paper investigates the chance of transporting the energy over a two-dimensional domain through vibrations that can follow a given path. The relationship between the path and the connection template is investigated.

Three, two, one yeast fatty acid desaturases: regulation and function

Fatty acid composition of biological membranes functionally adapts to environmental conditions by changing its composition through the activity of lipid biosynthetic enzymes, including the fatty acid desaturases. Three major desaturases are present in yeasts, responsible for the generation of double bonds in position C9-C10, C12-C13 and C15-C16 of the carbon backbone.

Pre-treatment processes optimization for the purification of olive mill wastewater through a pilot-scale membrane plant

The reported work deals with the evaluation of two different pre-treatment processes performances for the purification of a real olive mill wastewater. The wastewater was from an oil mill placed in the South of Italy and presents high Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and phenols concentrations, besides other organic pollutants, an acid pH and brown colour. Therefore, this complex wastewater resulted in low- biodegradable and difficult to be treated by a solely process.

A study on the relationship between the boundary flux parameters and membrane process requirements

The boundary flux concept permits to describe the fouling behaviour of membrane systems as a function of the operating time. The method relies on a set of equations that is possible to integrate in time, thus permitting to evaluate the separation process outcome and performances. This study focuses on the relationship between the membrane area requirements and specific parameters of the boundary flux concept on different membrane systems characterized by different waste feed streams and operating conditions.

Preliminary analysis of mass dispersion in solid foams. Separation of nitrogen/hydrogen mixtures in a packed membrane module as a case study

Membrane reactors for low-temperature hydrogen production are receiving significant attention. The main design challenges include the choice of appropriate membranes, catalysts, and catalyst supports. Research on the mechanical supports has been addressed towards the use of solid foams; however, information regarding mass dispersion within these foams is still lacking, even though the resistance to mass transport in the packed bed may become relevant when using a good catalyst and a high-permeability membrane.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma