
Deeper understandings. A trench through the Bronze Age deposits at Khirbat Hamra Ifdan

Il paper presenta i risultati degli scavi del Barqa Landscape Project, diretto da Russell Adams, a Khirbat Hamra Ifdan nel 2013 e discute l'evidenza di occupazione del sito nel Bronzo Antico II-III in relazione alle fasi e allo sviluppo dell'estrazione e della metallurgia del rame in questa regione della Giordania nelle fasi urbane del Bronzo Antico.

The field - work

On April 1st, 2012, in the desert sand three tourists stumbled onto what they interpreted as the remains of an ancient battlefield. In reality they discovered the remains of an ancient metal melting site ? an ancient crime scene. Most of the finds consisted of weapons fashioned from copper-alloy, especially daggers. They were mostly grave-goods. Everything about this find was unusual. How and when did it get there, just inside the Empty Quarter. Why should it be here, distant for markets and roads?

Metal weapons and social differentiation at Bronze Age Tell es-Sultan

The diffusion of copper weapons during the late 4th and 3rd millennia BC in the Southern Levant marks a distinct transformation of the economy and society of this region, as it coincides with the earliest urban experience. This paper provides an overview of copper and copper-alloyed weapons through a study of the technology and functional features of this material at the key site of Tell es-Sultan/Jericho in Palestine.

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