
Reasoning on figurative language: A preliminary study on children with autism spectrum disorder and klinefelter syndrome

In this study we explored metaphor and idiom competencies in two clinical populations, children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with Klinefelter syndrome (KS), (age range: 9–12), compared to typically developing (TD) children of the same age. These three groups were tested with two multiple-choice tests assessing idiom comprehension through iconic and verbal alternatives and a metaphor comprehension test composed of novel, physical-psychological metaphors, requesting verbal explanations.

The study of the academic adjustment and social inclusion of immigrant students in Italy: Methodological challenges and empirical evidence

Il presente contributo esamina vari aspetti psicologici relativi all’adattamento scolastico e all’inclusione sociale dei giovani con un background migratorio a scuola e affronta alcune questioni metodologiche, discutendo parallelamente delle evidenze empiriche ottenute su campioni rappresentativi di studenti delle scuole italiane. Inizialmente viene trattato il problema dell’analisi di dati raggruppati, il quale sottende le ricerche psicologiche su base campionaria effettuate nel contesto scolastico.

Il bene e il sole. Metafore platoniche nel pensiero di Iris Murdoch

The aim of this paper is to explore the occurrence, the extension and use of themes and metaphors coming from Plato’s philosophy in Iris Murdoch’s works. To this end Murdoch’s early and central production will be examined. It will be shown how, against the background of her critique of British analytic philosophy and existentialism, Plato’s themes and metaphors emerge in Murdoch’s attempt to propose a more fitting image of both philosophy and human moral life.

Communication in infrastructuring, or tales from a collaborative project

We present empirical examples of approaches to communication taken by the consortium of a large scale participatory design project in Europe, framed in terms of organisational communication in an infrastructuring process. The examples are understood generally in terms of the goal of fostering internal communication practices away from hierarchical relationships, which align with the political goals of participatory design and of the project. More specifically they are also understood in the framework of strategies and tactics in terms of actions taken within an infrastructuring process.

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