Middle Persian

Il Monumento di Narseh da Paikuli a Sulaimaniyah. Nuove attività archeologiche e allestimento espositivo del materiale presso lo Slemani Museum

La Missione Archeologica Italiana nel Kurdistan Iracheno (MAIKI) è attiva dal 2006 in diverse aree della regione autonoma curda dell’Iraq, e tra queste nella zona del sito di Paikuli situato a circa cento chilometri in direzione sud-est della città di Sulaimaniyah a cavallo degli attuali distretti provinciali di Darbandikhan e Kalar. MAIKI ha costantemente promosso un approccio multidisciplinare al patrimonio culturale curdo, tenendo conto degli aspetti archeologici, antropologici, di conservazione e di promozione.

Remarks on the "Cities of Eranshahr" ad its date in the light of the "Xwaday-namag" and Sasanian primary sources

The article discusses the date of the Middle Persian text "Cities of Eranshahr" in the light of Sasanian primary sources and of the Khwaday-namag, a chronicle of Sasanian kings that has only survived in Arabic tradition. Accordying to the author, the Middle persian text contains important information that date back to the sasanian period.

Quando gli scienziati inventarono una lingua: il pahlavīnella filologia dell’Ottocento

This article aims to offer a historical overview of the discovery of Book Pahlavī or Zoroastrian Middle Persian between the last decades of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century; it is a topic which has never been studied since Carl Salemann's brief introduction to the chapter devoted to Middle Persian in Geiger and Kuhn's "Grundriss der iranischen Philologie".

Categorial Traces of Inalienable Possession in Pahlavī Aramaic Masks

This paper deals with a specific Aramaic heterographic stock in Middle Persian and Parthian scripts (both inscriptional and bookish), namely masks concerning kinship terms and lexemes for the body parts. After a thorough state-of-the-art report on the logographic issue in the Middle Persian scripts, a new hypothesis is put forward: the <-H> ending logograms are Aramaic "frozen" names with a mandatory 3rd sing. pron. suffix, which marked the inalienable property of the possessa.

The Monument of Paikuli. The activities of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Iraqi Kurdistan, past and present

Since 2006 a team of Italian archaeologists and epigraphists, led by Prof. Carlo G. Cereti
(Sapienza University of Rome) surveyed and studied the commemorative monument erected by
the Sasanian king Narseh (293 302 CE) next to a strategic pass of the Qaradagh Range
(Sulaimaniyah Province). Through the data collected from the site and the Paikuli Collection
held at the Slemani Museum, many innovative results have been achieved in the last decade.
More specifically, the study of the bilingual inscription (Middle Persian and Parthian) and the

The Middle Persian voicing of OIr. *‑k‑ in the parallel traditions

In the present paper it is argued that the Middle Persian voicing of OIr. *‑k‑ in post-vocalic position occurred only after the voicing of the other two Old Iranian voiceless stops. This claim is suggested by a closer inspection of the treatment of the outcomes of OIr. *‑k‑ in Middle Persian of the Pahlavi Books, in Manichaean Middle Persian, in New Persian, and in the parallel tradition represented by the Greek versions of the Sasanian multilingual inscriptions.

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