
Migration and Institution: the Case of Veneti

In the migration process, to maintain some forms of belonging and a distinct ethnic identity, also combining elements from the original country with others already active in the country of settlement, can prove effective to respond to the various needs of people involved (Thomas, 1997 [1921]). Institutions play an important role in attracting or assimilating migratory flows within hosting countries, and in engaging migrants, through a particular institution such as "ethnic specialization" in the labor market (ie.

Between Crises and Borders: Interventions on Mediterranean Neighbourhood and the Salience of Spatial Imaginaries

An impressive body of international research has engaged with the rationales, dynamics and societal consequences of micro and macro-level regional integration projects (e.g. Celata & Coletti, 2015; Sidaway, 1998; S€oderbaum, 2009; Telo, 2007). This research has also offered robust templates for critical analyses of globalization, shifting state territorialities and the networked nature of territorial and ideational hegemony (Perkmann & Sum, 2002; Sidaway, 2002; Sparke, 2006).

Free labor mobility and indeterminacy in models of neoclassical growth

This paper establishes the conditions under which indeterminacy can occur in a Neoclassical growth model with international labor mobility. In the model, workers are supposed to move freely across countries without restrictions, and according to a Harris–Todaro mechanism that makes migration flows sensitive to differences among labor markets conditions. The paper shows that indeterminacy requires the marginal returns to immigrant labor to be diminishing, and no need for productivity externalities at a social level.

Storie di ordinaria radicalizzazione: fattori causali e trigger events nelle narrazioni inconsapevoli dei giovani italiani di seconda generazione

The aim of this paper is to investigate the narratives of radicalization (some- times unintended) throughout the verbalization of everyday experiences by young second generation Italians. The causes of radicalization are still under the scrutiny of contemporary literature: micro, meso, and macro factors combine themselves into a complex puzzle, driving to political and religious extremism. Interviews with 42 young generation Italians with Muslim background, aged between 18-30, have been made.

Future world citizens: the outcome of the encounter of different cultures and their relocation in the world map following today’s migration phenomenon.

The migration crisis is one of the most defying issues facing the world today, and to study it adequately constitutes an opportunity for the promotion of the positive aspects of encounter of populations in the construction of tomorrow’s world citizens.
The application of the Social Representations Theory for the study of such group movements in their geo-cultural context provides an opportunity to understand future world citizens, investigating processes of social inclusion/exclusion in relation to contemporary migratory phenomena.

La voce dei migranti ed il discorso scientifico, politico-istituzionale e della gente comune sui migranti: rappresentazioni sociali, appartenenze identitarie, processi di inclusione/esclusione sociale

Il contributo e finalizzato a presentare varie linee interrelate d’indagine (media e field studies) di
un ampio programma di ricerca che ha come obiettivo-guida lo studio della polarizzazione delle
rappresentazioni sociali ed atteggiamenti in funzione dei diversi posizionamenti ideologici di
soggetti sociali (individui/gruppi/ organizzazioni/istituzioni, esperti/gente comune) e delle
appartenenze identitarie, che orientano i processi di inclusione/esclusione sociale nei confronti

Future world citizens: the outcome of the encounter of different cultures and their relocation in the world map following today’s migration phenomenon.

The migration crisis is one of the most defying issues facing the world today and the application of the Social Representations Theory to study such group movements in their geo-cultural context provides an opportunity to understand future world citizens, investigating processes of social inclusion/exclusion in relation to contemporary migratory phenomena.

Effects mediated by the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor on cell proliferation and migration in rat adipose-derived stem cells

Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are an attractive source for regenerative medicine as they can be easily iso-lated, rapidly expandable in culture and show excellent in vitro differentiation potential. Acetylcholine (ACh), one of the main neurotransmitters in central and peripheral nervous systems, plays key roles in the control of several physiological processes also in non-neural tissues. As demonstrated in our previous studies, ACh can contribute to the rat ASCs physiology, negatively modulating ASCs proliferation and migration via M2 mus-carinic receptor (mAChR) activation.

Family Reunification: International, European and National Perspectives

Il volume contiene i risultati di una ricerca internazionale, a carattere interdisciplinare, sul ricongiungimento familiare. La prima parte del libro è dedicata all'analisi del quadro normativo internazionale a livello universale e regionale e la seconda alla disamina, anche in chiave comparativa, della legislazione nazionale di alcuni Paesi membri dell'Unione europea (Austria, Germania, Ungheria e Italia).

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