
The use of Big Data in studying migration routes: new tools and applications

In an age where people flee from their countries of origin due to the worsening of conflicts and wars, of political crisis and violence, of terrorism, of religious radicalization processes, and persecutions, policy making needs to be based on a wider and more sensible information systems. Population censuses, sample surveys as well as administrative archives and registers are revealing some critical issues that could be partly overcome by the enormous informative potential offered by new sources and Big Data (Rango, 2014; De Backer, 2014).

Strontium isotopes as indicators of Longobards mobility: preliminary investigation at Povegliano Veronese

The study of migrations provides crucial information for the archaeological research. In fact, there is a strong relation between the chemical composition of an individuals tissues and his/her mobility strategies: these can reflect the way individuals choose to reside and/or move during their life. The strontium isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr) of skeletal remains is nowadays considered a reliable method to assess residential mobility and origin of past populations.

Povegliano Veronese - A Post-classical necropolis from the Northern Italy (VI-VIII centuries AD)

The Longobard necropolis of Povegliano Veronese, discovered in 1985, is located in the Veneto region of Northern Italy. It is located near the “Via Postumia”, one of the main ancient Roman roads of Northern Italy. The necropolis was excavated in two field seasons (1985-86 and 1992-93). As a result, 162 Longobard burials were recovered. Based on the archaeological evidence the necropolis was dated from the late VI century to the early VIII century AD. A critical defining cultural aspect

Brevi considerazioni storico-comparative su cittadinanza, ius sanguinis e ius soli nella vicenda italiana

The essay begins with a reconstruction of the different cultural approaches to the constitutional notion
of citizenship which lie behind the notions of ius sanguinis and ius soli; legislative developments
on these matters are analysed considering the various sources of law and the areas (such as gender,
race, class, religious beliefs…) historically influenced by citizenship as a factor of inclusion/exclusion.
The following part includes a historical overview of Italian legislative measures concerning citizenship.

Territori, confini, migrazioni

This paper aims at presenting some considerations on the issue of borders and migrations, carried out from the perspective of normative political theory. The author maintains that States possess a prima facie right of sovereignty on their borders, although this right has limitations: for example, States have the duty of opening their borders to people risking their lives, and lose their right to non-interference from other States when they carry out criminal behaviors or unacceptable violations of human rights.

In search of a complex past Lombards in Italy: a population on the move in late antiquity

In facing the investigation of a migrant population as the Lombards, it is never simple nor intuitive to collect all available sources. The Lombards started their departure from Scoringa, a small island close to the coast of Germany. European burial contexts testify their path across the North of Europe to Hungary, the ancient Roman region of Pannonia. As reported in Historia Langobardorum by Paul the Deacon, in 568 AD this population crossed the Italian boundary to occupy its territories. From this moment, the interaction with the inhabitants and land-use began.

Riconoscersi. Cosa dicono le migrazioni delle comunità occidentali

In recent years, in the wake of the coincidence of economic, social and environmental crises, the unceasing inflow of the Other has catalyzed distress and fears. It is a meeting from which arise questions and doubts about crucial issues: personal and collective identity, the balance of society and the capacity of a culture of generating a shared sense.

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