
«Princeps musicorum Mediolani»: Antonio Londonio e il mecenatismo musicale nella Milano spagnola

Don Antonio Londonio (1532-1592) was born in Castile and settled
in Milan in the late 1550s. He was both a prominent politician and one of
the main patrons of the arts in Lombardy: musicians, poets, philosophers, and
other artists in Northwest Italy benefited from his protection. Maddalena Casulana,
Pietro Vinci, and Marc’Antonio Ingegneri dedicated madrigal books to him
between 1570 and 1584. These dedications, together with other documents (notarial
acts, collections of poems and letters, the proceedings of the trial in which

Dynamics of Metropolitan Landscapes and Daily Mobility Flows in the Italian Context. An Analysis Based on the Theory of Graphs

Il testo affronta il tema assume le green infrastructures come strategia ambientale paesaggistica in grado di affrontare le principali sfide delle aree metropolitane contemporanee: accessibilità a servizi e opportunità, mobilità sostenibile, resilienza, inclusione, rigenerazione ambientale, salute pubblica. Il testo esplora approfonditamente le possibilità di riattivazione urbana connesse alla interconnessione tra reti della mobilità sostenibile e reti di infrastrutturazione ambientale attraverso una metodologia sperimentale applicata alle aree metropolitane di Roma e di Milano.

Un approccio integrato per un progetto di riconfigurazione urbana. Team CarbonaRo

The project is the result of a multidisciplinary approach, supported by specialist contributions, with the aim of regenerating an urban
sector with the creation of an inclusive district with a predominantly productive character. Supporting the main design intentions through
the contribution of the various specialist contributions has provided numerous advantages in terms of process and final outcome. The
continuous open exchange between territorial, urban, architectural, technological, landscape, environmental and economic issues has

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