
Behavioral therapies in headache: focus on mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy in children and adolescents

Introduction: A wide proportion of children and adolescents with headache tends not to respond to various pharmacological treatments in use. The failure to respond to symptomatic treatment and prophylaxis is often due to the presence of a comorbid psychopathology undiagnosed or not properly treated. For these reasons and for the negative impact of headache on the quality of life of the patients and on the costs for the public health system, the adoption of an integrated multi-disciplinary perspective in the diagnosis and treatment of headache is needed.

The more you judge the worse you feel. A judgemental attitude towards one's inner experience predicts depression and anxiety

Literature reviews have shown that trait-mindfulness is significantly correlated to emotional wellbeing, both in adults and in children. Particularly, being judgemental towards one's inner thoughts, feelings and sensations, and acting unawares, is associated with higher maladjustment. In the present cross-sectional study, we explored the role of the different facets of mindfulness in both anxiety and depression, controlling for the effects of gender, age, rumination, and worry, and analysed which facets of mindfulness have the strongest effect in predicting depression and anxiety.

Effectiveness of a School-Based Mindfulness Intervention on Children’s Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: the Gaia Project

Studies examining the effectiveness of school-based mindfulness interventions on children’s emotional/behavioral problems when delivered by school teachers and professionals are still limited. The present study reports the effectiveness of Gaia, a 12-week program integrating a mindfulness approach into an ecological paradigm.

Mindfulness, pro-environmental behavior, and belief in climate change. The mediating role of social dominance

In recent years, mindfulness has been considered as a potential source of proenvironmental attitudes and behavior. Present research is aimed at consolidating and expanding previous knowledge by proposing that mindfulness is related to both proenvironmental behavior and belief in global climate change through social dominance orientation (SDO). A first study was conducted on undergraduate students (n = 279) and found, as expected, that trait mindfulness was related to proenvironmental behavior through SDO.

Differential effects of mindfulness meditation conditions on repetitive negative thinking and subjective time perspective: a randomized active-controlled study

Objective: Preliminary findings suggest that different kinds of meditation could work on diverse cognitive and psychological processes. The present study aimed at disentangling the effects of three mindfulness techniques on mental rumination and subjective time perspective. Design: 75 young healthy participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: mindful breathing, body scan, observing-thoughts meditation and an active control condition.

Common and distinct lateralised patterns of neural coupling during focused attention, open monitoring and loving kindness meditation

Meditation has been integrated into different therapeutic interventions. To inform the evidence-based selection of specific meditation types it is crucial to understand the neural processes associated with different meditation practices. Here we explore commonalities and differences in electroencephalographic oscillatory spatial synchronisation patterns across three important meditation types. Highly experienced meditators engaged in focused attention, open monitoring, and loving kindness meditation.

Contingent negative variation and P3 modulations following mindful movement training

In the study of the electrophysiological correlates of attention, a phasic change in alertness has been classically related to a negative frontal-central shift called Contingent Negative Variation (CNV). Studies investigating the effects of meditation on the CNV in participants reporting frequent transcendental experiences (TE) reported reduced CNV in choice reaction time task (CRT), and increased CNV in simple reaction time task (SRT), suggesting that meditation can induce a more balanced attentional state.

Yoga and mindfulness as a tool for influencing affectivity, anxiety, mental health, and stress among healthcare workers. Results of a single-arm clinical trial

Mindfulness-based interventions have emerged as unique approaches for addressing a range of clinical and subclinical difficulties such as stress, chronic pain, anxiety, or recurrent depression. Moreover, there is strong evidence about the positive effects of yoga practice on stress management and prevention of burnout among healthcare workers. The aim of this study was to conduct a single-arm clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of an intervention based on mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga in improving healthcare workers' quality of life.

Effects of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program on mind wandering and dispositional mindfulness facets

Mind wandering is characterized by the absence of cognitive focus on a task, due to interfering spontaneous mentation. Despite a
large number of investigations on mind wandering and mindfulness training in recent years, very few studies have directly
investigated the effects of mindfulness training on mind wandering. In this study, we originally investigated the effects of
mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) training on objective and subjective indices of mind wandering, by using the

Mindfulness and cognitive functions: toward a unifying neurocognitive framework

A number of studies in cognitive psychology and neuroscience have shown the effects of mindfulness and meditation training in enhancing cognitive functions assessed by a broad range of tasks implicating measures of response accuracy, response time, and associated electrophysiological and neuroimaging patterns. We will offer a theoretical framework based on cognitive and consciousness neurosciences to account for the broad range of effects of mindfulness meditation training on multiple cognitive functions.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma