Modeling and Simulation

Comparison of phase-field models of fracture coupled with plasticity

In the last few years, several authors have proposed different phase-field models aimed at describing ductile fracture phenomena. Most of these models fall within the class of variational approaches to fracture proposed by Francfort and Marigo [13]. For the case of brittle materials, the key concept due to Griffith consists in viewing crack growth as the result of a competition between bulk elastic energy and surface energy. For ductile materials, however, an additional contribution to the energy dissipation is present, related to plastic deformations.

Reduction-based stabilization of time-delay nonlinear dynamics

This paper represents a first attempt toward an alternative way of computing reduction-based feedback à la Arstein for input-delayed systems. To this end, we first exhibit a new reduction state evolving as a new dynamics which is free of delays. Then, feedback design is carried out by enforcing passivity-based arguments in the reduction time-delay scenario. The case of strict-feedforward dynamics serves as a case study to discuss in details the computational advantages. A simulated exampled highlights performances.

Fractional diffusion-type equations with exponential and logarithmic differential operators

We deal with some extensions of the space-fractional diffusion equation, which is satisfied by the density
of a stable process (see Mainardi et al. (2001)): the first equation considered here is obtained by adding an
exponential differential (or shift) operator expressed in terms of the Riesz–Feller derivative. We prove that
this produces a random component in the time-argument of the corresponding stable process, which is
represented by the so-called Poisson process with drift. Analogously, if we add, to the space-fractional

The Haldane model and its localization dichotomy

Gapped periodic quantum systems exhibit an interesting Localization Dichotomy, which emerges when one looks at the localization of the optimally localized Wannier functions associated to the Bloch bands below the gap. As recently proved, either these Wannier functions are exponentially localized, as it happens whenever the Hamiltonian operator is time-reversal symmetric, or they are delocalized in the sense that the expectation value of |x| 2 diverges. Intermediate regimes are forbidden.

Static and dynamic nonlinear response of masonry walls

A nonlocal damage-plastic model is proposed to investigate the mechanical response of masonry elements, under static and dynamic actions. The adopted constitutive relationship is able to capture degrading mechanisms due to propagation of microcracks and accumulation of irreversible strains. Moreover, the stiffness recovery, due to re-closure of tensile cracks when material undergoes compression strains, is taken into account to properly simulate the masonry cyclic response.

A multiscale force-based curved beam element for masonry arches

This paper presents a Timoshenko beam finite element for nonlinear analysis of planar masonry arches. Considering small displacement and strain assumption, the element governing equations are defined according to a force-based formulation that adopts three different parametrizations of the axis planar curve, permitting the exact description of the element geometry for arbitrarily curved arches. Specific quadrature techniques are illustrated to perform numerical integration over the curved axis.

An alternative approach to Michaelis-Menten kinetics that is based on the renormalization group

We apply to Michaelis–Menten kinetics an alternative approach to the study of Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations, that is based on the Renormalization Group (SPDERG). To this aim, we first rebuild the perturbation expansion for Michaelis–Menten kinetics, beyond the standard Quasi-Steady-State Approximation (sQSSA), determining the 2nd order contributions to the inner solutions, that are presented here for the first time to our knowledge.

Cognitive business process management for adaptive cyber-physical processes

In the era of Big Data and Internet-of-Things (IoT), all real-world environments are gradually becoming cyber-physical (e.g., emergency management, healthcare, smart manufacturing, etc.), with the presence of connected devices and embedded ICT systems (e.g., smartphones, sensors, actuators) producing huge amounts of data and events that influence the enactment of the Cyber Physical Processes (CPPs) enacted in such environments.

What Automated Planning Can Do for Business Process Management

Business Process Management (BPM) is a central element of today organizations. Despite over the years its main focus has been the support of processes in highly controlled domains, nowadays many domains of interest to the BPM community are characterized by ever-changing requirements, unpredictable environments and increasing amounts of data that influence the execution of process instances. Under such dynamic conditions, BPM systems must increase their level of automation to provide the reactivity and flexibility necessary for process management.

A feature-based integrated scoring scheme for cell cycle-regulated genes prioritization

Prioritization of cell cycle-regulated genes from expression time-profiles is still an open problem. The point at issue is the surprisingly poor overlap among ranked lists obtained from different experimental protocols. Instead of developing a general-purpose computational methodology for detecting periodic signals, we focus on the budding yeast mitotic cell cycle.

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