Monitoring online

In-room test results at CNAO of an innovative PT treatments online monitor (Dose Profiler)

The use of C, He and O ions as projectiles in Particle Therapy (PT) treatments is getting more and more widespread as a consequence of their enhanced relative biological effectiveness and oxygen enhancement ratio, when compared to the protons one. The advantages related to the incoming radiation improved efficacy are requiring an accurate online monitor of the dose release spatial distribution.

Characterisation of the secondary-neutron production in particle therapy treatments with the MONDO tracking detector

Particle Therapy (PT) is a non-invasive technique that exploits charged light ions for the irradiation of tumours that cannot be effectively treated with surgery or conventional radiotherapy. While the largest dose fraction is released to the tumour volume by the primary beam, a non-negligible amount of additional dose is due to the beam fragmentation that occurs along the path towards the target volume.

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