
Appendix - Stratigraphic analysis of the excavation contexts

This paper deals with the excavation of the trench carried out at Istakhr in 2012, to the west of the site of the mosque. The results of the excavation, compared with Herzfeld’s archaeological tests dating to 1932, provided new insights into the arrangement of the buildings in the area and, more generally, the planning of this sector of the city during the early Islamic period.

The Site of the Mosque at Istakhr

This contribution presents a status quaestionis regarding the mosque of Istakhr and the ruins currently considered to be its remains. Along with ancient sources, modern odeporic literature and recent scholarship, it examines archaeological data collected by Ernst Herzfeld in 1932 and by the Iranian-Italian mission in 2012.

Excavations at Istakhr in 2012. The Test West of the Site of the Mosque

This paper deals with the excavation of the trench carried out at Istakhr in 2012, to the west of the site of the mosque. The results of the excavation, compared with Herzfeld’s archaeological tests dating to 1932, provided new insights into the arrangement of the buildings in the area and, more generally, the planning of this sector of the city during the early Islamic period.

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