Multilevel analysis

Perceived preparedness of dental academic institutions to cope with the covid-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey

Dental academic institutions are affected by COVID-19. We assessed the perceived COVID19 preparedness of these institutions and the characteristics of institutions with greater perceived preparedness. An international cross-sectional survey of dental academics was conducted from March to August 2020 to assess academics’ and institutional attributes, perceived preparedness, and availability of infection prevention and control (IPC) equipment. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified perceived preparedness components.

Knowledge of dental academics about the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-country online survey

Background: COVID-19 is a global pandemic affecting all aspects of life in all countries. We assessed COVID-19 knowledge and associated factors among dental academics in 26 countries. Methods: We invited dental academics to participate in a cross-sectional, multi-country, online survey from March to April 2020. The survey collected data on knowledge of COVID-19 regarding the mode of transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, protection, and dental treatment precautions as well as participants’ background variables.

The effects of classroom composition and size on bullying and victimization of italian and immigrant high school students

Bullying is one of the most serious problems faced by young people at school. Due to its well-documented negative impact on their well-being and learning, its monitoring and prevention is now a highly relevant issue. The present study uses multilevel modelling to investigate the effects of the class characteristics (the number of students, the proportion of male students and immigrant students, the overall socio-economic level and the initial achievement level) on bullying and/or victimization, also controlling for high school typology.

Cultural Participation in the digital Age in Europe: a multilevel cross-national analysis. La partecipazione culturale nell’era digitale in Europa: un’analisi multilivello transnazionale

Considering a broad spectrum of cultural activities, this study aims to deepening European countries differences in Cultural Participation taking into account micro, meso and macro determinants. For this aim, we used the large dataset provided by the Special Eurobarometer survey n.399 collected in the European countries.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma