multimode fibers

Spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in multimode fibers

Nonlinear mode coupling in multimode optical fibers leads to complex self-organization phenomena. These are associated with the emergence of extreme waves, in the form of stable nonlinear coherent attractors characterized by low-order transverse mode patterns. The periodic or quasi-periodic oscillations of the multimode beam intensity due to mode beating lead to light scattering into a series of spectral sidebands spanning multiple octaves.

Spatial beam self-cleaning conditions in multimode graded-index fibers with different core diameter

Kerr beam cleaning is very sensitive both to the incident angle and beam size. The last one defines the number of excited modes at the entrance of GRIN MMF that should be not too high and not too low. We have measured the output beam spectrum as a function of peak power and analyzed it together with the beam profile variation.

Adaptive Kerr-assisted transverse mode selection in multimode fibers

Multimode optical fibers (MMFs) have recently regained interest because of the degrees of freedom associated with their different eigenmodes. In the nonlinear propagation regime in particular, new phenomena have been unveiled in graded-index (GRIN) MMFs such as geometric parametric instabilities and Kerr beam self-cleaning [1, 2]. The speckled pattern observed at the output of the MMF at low powers, is transformed at high powers into a bell-shaped beam close to the fundamental mode.

Spatial Kerr beam self-cleaning in Yb-doped multimode fiber taper

Spatial Kerr beam self-cleaning (KBSC), which transforms an output speckled beam in a quasi-single mode beam in graded index (GRIN) multimode optical fibers (MMFs), has been reported recently [1,2]. GRIN MMFs are also interesting waveguides for supercontinuum (SC) generation in the visible and near infrared regions, as successfully demonstrated by launching femtosecond or subnanosecond pulses in the anomalous (1550 nm) or normal (1064 nm) dispersion regime, respectively [1,3].

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma