
NIR spectral signatures of flexor and extensor muscles of the upper and lower limb in humans at varying lengths

NIR spectroscopy provides the spectral signatures (i.e. “fingerprints”) of living human muscles, which represent specific, accurate, and reproducible measures of their overall biological status. We showed that chemometric analysis applied to NIR spectra acquired from the upper limb distinguishes the biceps from the triceps. We acquired muscles reflectance spectra in the Vis-SWIR regions (350-2500 nm), utilizing an ASD FieldSpec 4™ Standard-Res Spectroradiometer with a spectral sampling capability of 1.4 nm at 350-1000 nm and 1.1 nm at 1001-2500 nm.

A dataset of Visible – Short Wave InfraRed reflectance spectra collected in–vivo on the dorsal and ventral aspect of arms

Advancement of technology and device miniaturization have made near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) techniques cost–effective, small–sized, simple, and ready to use. We applied NIRS to analyze healthy human muscles in vivo, and we found that this technique produces reliable and reproducible spectral “fingerprints” of individual muscles, that can be successfully discriminated by chemometric predictive models.

Near infrared spectroscopy as a tool for in vivo analysis of human muscles

Human skeletal muscles may undergo qualitative and quantitative, physiological and pathological changes during life. Some of these changes may be detected with imaging techniques, others with immunohystochemical and molecular analysis. Both these types of investigation are expensive, time consuming, and not readily available. Therefore, at present, a cheap, reliable, and widely applicable technique for non-invasive in vivo analysis of human muscles is lacking.

Near infrared spectroscopy of human muscles

Optical spectroscopy is a powerful tool in research and industrial applications. Its properties of being rapid, non-invasive
and not destructive make it a promising technique for qualitative as well as quantitative analysis in medicine. Recent
advances in materials and fabrication techniques provided portable, performant, sensing spectrometers readily operated
by user-friendly cabled or wireless systems. We used such a system to test whether infrared spectroscopy techniques,

Near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool for in vivo analysis of human muscles

Recent advances in materials and fabrication techniques provided portable, performant, sensing optical spectrometers readily operated by user-friendly cabled or wireless systems. Such systems allow rapid, non-invasive, and not destructive quantitative analysis of human tissues. This proof-of-principle investigation tested whether infrared spectroscopy techniques, currently utilized in a variety of areas, could be applied in living humans to categorize muscles.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma