
Narrazioni, testi e altre risorse: ragionamento clinico e presa di decisione in oncologia.

The article explores collaborative diagnostic decision-making processes in the field of oncology through the discursive analysis of spontaneous interactions between doctors, collected during their daily work practice in a hospital in central Italy. The results highlight the key role played by the narratives in supporting decision-making in cases of difficult diagnosis. Rather than addressing them as individual problems of a logical-deductive nature, physicians use an abductive, dialogical and narrative thinking, sharing knowledge and resources available in the hospital community.

The future as a media fact. Adolescents, transmedia narratives and visions of the future

In the era of "sad passions" and deprivation of long-term planning in favor of a "short future" for the new generations3, we are called to reflect on the motivations behind this trend and on strategies to overcome critical issues. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to document and understand, through the analysis of the relationship with the media, how the developing of identity of adolescents has changed and how the imaginary of which the media are carrying has influenced the same planning and on the future of the new generations.

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