narrow-band imaging

The prognostic value of adding narrow-band imaging in transoral laser microsurgery for early glottic cancer: a review

Background and Objectives Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) is a universally recognized safe and minimally invasive approach for early glottic cancer. Narrow band imaging (NBI) is an optical technique working with a filtered light that reveals superficial mucosal abnormalities through the neoangiogenic pattern. The aim of this systematic review is to demonstrate the role of intraoperative NBI during TLM for early glottic cancer to better evaluate tumor extension and for more precise margin resection.

Narrow band imaging characteristics of gastric polypoid lesions. a single-center prospective pilot study

Introduction: Gastric polypoid lesions (GPL) are endoscopic findings whose histological nature is difficult to determine with white-light endoscopy. Hyperplastic polyps (HP), type-1 gastric carcinoids (T1-GC) and adenomas are the most frequent GPL needing different management. Narrow-band imaging (NBI) has high accuracy for gastric malignant lesions but few studies assessed whether GPL display specific NBI characteristics. We aimed to investigate the endoscopic NBI appearances of GPL.

A current clinical overview of atrophic gastritis

Introduction: Atrophic gastritis (AG) is a complex syndrome which arises as a consequence of H. pylori infection or in the context of gastric autoimmunity. It often deserves a benign course but may lead to potentially life-threatening complications: cancer and anemia. This review aims to address traditional and innovative knowledge on this often under-diagnosed disorder. Areas covered: This review covers clinical presentation, risk factors, diagnosis, and management of AG and provides an updated resource for clinicians to get insight into this challenging disorder.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma