Navier-Stokes equations

Hydrodynamic effects produced by submerged breakwaters in a coastal area with a curvilinear shoreline

A three-dimensional numerical study of the hydrodynamic effect produced by a system of submerged breakwaters in a coastal area with a curvilinear shoreline is proposed. The three-dimensional model is based on an integral contravariant formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations in a time-dependent curvilinear coordinate system.

Numerical simulation of 3D free surface flows in time dependent curvilinear coordinates

We propose a three dimensional non-hydrostatic shock-capturing numerical model for the simulation of wave propagation, transformation and breaking, which is based on an original integral formulation of the contravariant Navier-Stokes equations, devoid of Christoffel symbols, in general time-dependent curvilinear coordinates.

Integral contravariant form of the Navier-Stokes equations

An original integral formulation of the three-dimensional contravariant Navier-Stokes equations, devoid of the Christoffel symbols, in general time-dependent curvilinear coordinates is presented. The proposed integral form is obtained from the time derivative of the momentum of a material fluid volume and from the Leibniz rule of integration applied to a control volume that moves with a velocity which is different from the fluid velocity.

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