
High-resolution AMS dating of architecture, boulder artworks and the transition to farming at lepenski Vir

The archaeological site of Lepenski Vir is widely known after its remarkable stone art sculptures that
represent a unique and unprecedented case of Holocene hunter-gatherer creativity. These artworks
were found largely associated with equally unique trapezoidal limestone building floors around their
centrally located rectangular stone-lined hearths. A debate has raged since the discovery of the site
about the chronological place of various discovered features. While over years different views from

The experimental reconstruction of an Early Neolithic underground oven of Portonovo (Italy)

This contribution presents the experimental reconstruction of an underground oven replicated according to the archaeological evidence unearthed from the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo-Fosso Fontanaccia (Ancona-Italy). A domed structure, measuring 190x180 cm diameter at the base and 50 cm in height, was dug in 15 hours, in a sediment compatible with the geological formation that features the archaeological site.

Timing and pace of dairying inception and animal husbandry practices across Holocene North Africa

The timing and extent of the adoption and exploitation of domesticates and their secondary products, across Holocene North Africa, has long been the subject of debate. The three distinct areas within the region, Mediterranean north Africa, the Nile Valley and the Sahara, each with extremely diverse environments and ecologies, demonstrate differing trajectories to pastoralism. Here, we address this question using a combination of faunal evidence and organic residue analyses of c. 300 archaeological vessels from sites in Algeria, Libya and Sudan.

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