network topology

Topology Agnostic Bounds on Minimum Requirements for Network Failure Identification

In Boolean Network Tomography (BNT), node identifiability is a crucial property that reflects the possibility of unambiguously classifying the state of the nodes of a network as 'working' or 'failed' through end-to-end measurement paths. Designing a monitoring scheme satisfying network identifiability is an NP problem. In this article, we provide theoretical bounds on the minimum number of necessary measurement paths to guarantee identifiability of a given number of nodes.

Analysis of the floating car data of Turin public transportation system: first results

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sensors represent nowadays a mature technology, low-cost and efficient, to collect large spatio-temporal datasets (Geo Big Data) of vehicle movements in urban environments. Anyway, to extract the mobility information from such Floating Car Data (FCD), specific analysis methodologies are required. In this work, the first attempts to analyse the FCD of the Turin Public Transportation system are presented. Specifically, a preliminary methodology was implemented, in view of an automatic and possible real-time impedance map generation.

Leveraging gis data and topological information to infer trip chaining behaviour at macroscopic level

One of the open challenges in transport modelling is to estimate within-day demand flows that reflect the complexity of individual activity-Travel behaviour. While disaggregate (Activity-Based) demand models can recreate realistic daily mobility patterns at an individual level, they usually require an accurate knowledge of individual user behaviour (i.e. via travel surveys), which is not always available.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma