
Gruppo di ricerca sulla sclerosi laterale amiotrofica

Gruppo di ricerca sulla sclerosi laterale amiotrofica

Il gruppo di ricerca sulla sclerosi laterale amiotrofica si avvale dalla collaborazione decennale tra il centro malattie rare neuromuscolari (Dipartimento di Neuroscienze Umane), il laboratorio di voltage-clamp intracellulare (Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Farmacologia) e l'Unità di Istologia ed Embriologia Medica (Dipartimento di Scienze Anatomiche Istologiche Medico Legali e dell'Apparato Locomotore).

Evidence of an increased neuronal activation-to-resting glucose uptake ratio in the visual cortex of migraine patients. A study comparing18FDG-PET and visual evoked potentials

Background: Migraine attacks might be triggered by a disruption of cerebral homeostasis. During the interictal period migraine patients are characterized by abnormal sensory information processing, but this functional abnormality may not be sufficient to disrupt the physiological equilibrium of the cortex unless it is accompanied by additional pathological mechanisms, like a reduction in energetic reserves.

International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) – EEG research workgroup: Recommendations on frequency and topographic analysis of resting state EEG rhythms. Part 1: Applications in clinical research studies

In 1999, the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) published “IFCN Guidelines for topographic and frequency analysis of EEGs and EPs” (Nuwer et al., 1999).

Stress assessment by combining neurophysiological signals and radio communications of air traffic controllers

Air Traffic Control (ATC) has been classified as the fourth most stressful job. In this regard, sixteen controllers were asked to perform ecological ATC simulation during which behavioral (Radio Communications with pilots - RCs), subjective (stress perception) and neurophysiological signals (brain activity and skin conductance - SC) were collected. All the considered parameters reported significant changes under high stress conditions.

A case of acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy mimicking brain death

The sudden onset of muscle weakness and a flaccid paralysis can be due to several causes, such as polyneuropathies, myelopathies, myopathies or neuromuscular junction dysfunction. The most common etiologies are infectious, inflammatory
or toxic so differential diagnosis is needed to identify the underlying cause and treat it properly. Guillain–Barré syndrome
(GBS) is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide. It represents a continuous spectrum of

Outcome modulation across tasks in the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Animals need to learn and to adapt to new and changing environments so that appropriate actions that lead to desirable outcomes are acquired within each context. The prefrontal cortex (PF) is known to underlie such function that directly implies that the outcome of each response must be represented in the brain for behavioral policies update. However, whether such PF signal is context dependent or it is a general representation beyond the specificity of a context is still unclear.

A network activity reconfiguration underlies the transition from goal to action

Neurons in prefrontal cortex (PF) represent mnemonic information about current goals until the action can be selected and executed. However, the neuronal dynamics underlying the transition from goal into specific actions are poorly understood. Here, we show that the goal-coding PF network is dynamically reconfigured from mnemonic to action selection states and that such reconfiguration is mediated by cell assemblies with heterogeneous excitability. We recorded neuronal activity from PF while monkeys selected their actions on the basis of memorized goals.

Neural correlates of strategy switching in the macaque orbital prefrontal cortex

We can adapt flexibly to environment changes and search for the most appropriate rule to a context. The orbital prefrontal cortex (PFo) has been associated with decision making, rule generation and maintenance, and more generally has been considered important for behavioral flexibility. To better understand the neural mechanisms underlying the flexible behavior, we studied the ability to generate a switching signal in monkey PFo when a strategy is changed.

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