neutron spectra

A proposal for an alternative use of prompt-Self Powered Neutron Detectors: Online spectral-deconvolution for monitoring high-intensity neutron flux in LFRs

Self-Powered Neutron Detectors (SPNDs) are currently used in reactors’ environmentto sense the magnitude of neutron-?uxes, usually for spatial-distribution mapping ofthe fuel region as to optimize burn-up strategies. During the development of tailoredinstrumentation for Lead-cooled Fast Reactors, the possibility to perform online spec-tral deconvolution of fast neutron-?uxes was recognized. Seven geometrically simi-lar SPNDs with di?erent neutron-sensitive materials, have been characterized by theMonte Carlo transport code MCNPX. ?anks to a database of spectral sensitivitiesvs.

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