non-financial reporting

Corporate Governance and Environmental Social Governance: A Meta- Analytical Review of Voluntary Disclosure and Non-Financial Reporting. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management

This paper provides, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the first meta-analysis of evidence about the influence of the corporate governance on ESG disclosure, in a setting where the disclosure of information is voluntary but not discretionary. We apply meta-analysis to a sample of 24 empirical studies to clarify the relationship of board size, board independence, women on board, number of board meeting, CEO duality and company ownership with ESG disclosure.

The engagement of stakeholders in non-financial reporting. New information‐pressure, stimuli, inertia, under short‐termism in the banking industry

In the past few years non-financial reporting has been a widely debated issue in literature, not least because of its importance during times in which topics such as climate change and social transformations have become strategic issues, particularly for larger companies. Recent regulatory changes within the European legal framework have marked the transition from a voluntary non-financial reporting system to a mandatory one for larger companies.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma