
The influence of generalized anxiety disorder on executive functions in children with ADHD

The present study was aimed at verifying whether the presence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) affects executive functions in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Two groups of children with ADHD were selected for the study according to the presence or absence of GAD. The first group of 28 children with ADHD with GAD (mean age: 9 ± 1.2; males/females: 24/4) was matched for gender, age, IQ, psychiatric comorbidity with a second group of 29 children with ADHD without GAD (mean age: 8.8 ± 0.7; males/females: 26/3).

Asymptotic theory for spectral density estimates of general multivariate time series

We derive uniform convergence results of lag-window spectral density estimates for a general class of multivariate stationary processes represented by an arbitrary measurable function of iid innovations. Optimal rates of convergence, that hold as both the time series and the cross section dimensions diverge, are obtained under mild and easily verifiable conditions.

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