obsessive-compulsive disorder

Gruppo di ricerca su Disturbi da Tic e Disturbi dello spettro impulsivo-compulsivo

Gruppo di ricerca su Disturbi da Tic e Disturbi dello spettro impulsivo-compulsivo

La Sindrome di Tourette è un disturbo del neurosviluppo nient’affatto raro che, secondo i dati ISS, riguarda circa l’1% della popolazione con esordio in età infantile ed adolescenziale. Si caratterizza per la presenza di movimenti involontari accompagnati da suoni e vocalizzi involontari di varia complessità.  La sintomatologia spesso altera la qualità di vita e coinvolge in maniera significativa i rapporti socio-familiari.

Imagery Rescripting on Guilt-Inducing Memories in OCD: A Single Case Series Study

Background and objectives: Criticism is thought to play an important role in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and obsessive behaviors have been considered as childhood strategies to avoid criticism. Often, patients with OCD report memories characterized by guilt-inducing reproaches. Starting from these assumptions, the aim of this study is to test whether intervening in memories of guilt-inducing reproaches can reduce current OCD symptoms.

Am I guilty or not? Deontological guilt, uncertainty, and checking behavior

Literature suggests that checking behaviors are aimed at reducing feelings of uncertainty both in clinical samples with obsessive-compulsive disorder and in general population. Previous studies also showed that deontological guilt is an emotion often associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate the differences in checking behaviors in the condition of high versus low uncertainty, by exploring the moderating role of deontological versus altruistic guilt.

A prototypical MMPI-2 configuration of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Background: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is often measured through self-report questionnaires
focused on measuring symptomatology (Y-BOCS, OCI-R, and PI). The scientific literature identifies
the Pt scale as a distinctive marker, but does not report data related to a specific OCD profile of the
MMPI-2 test. Therefore, based on some clinical considerations and preliminary investigations, the
following study aims to identify a specific MMPI-OCD configuration marked by the presence of

Deontological morality can be experimentally enhanced by increasing disgust. A transcranial direct current stimulation study

Previous studies empirically support the existence of a distinctive association between deontological (but not altruistic) guilt and both disgust and obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms. Given that the neural substrate underlying deontological guilt comprises brain regions strictly implicated in the emotion of disgust (i.e. the insula), the present study aimed to test the hypothesis that indirect stimulation of the insula via transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) would enhance disgust and morality in the deontological domain.

I obsessively clean because my deontological guilt makes me feel physiologically disgusted!

The emotions of guilt and disgust play a pivotal role in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The present study hypothesized the existence of a distinctive relation between deontological (but not altruistic) guilt and subjective and physiological correlates of disgust. Moreover, we aimed at testing whether the evoked emotion of disgust may activate OCD-like washing behaviors.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma